Sunday, January 5, 2014

REVIEW : Dead Rising 3


 Since I could care less about the 'console war', I have realized that a lot of people in my class are supporting Sony, rather than both quaint.
The Setting and Story
Better than WWF?
You play as Nick Ramos, an unfortunate mechanic who was stuck in the city of Los Perdidos when a zombie outbreak just happened to occur. After finding out about an old plane that can be repaired, it's up to you to sort out how to escape, and whether you should smash the zombie or get it into a hammer-throw special move. Pretty basic, I know, but the fun is worth it.

The Gameplay
Its the closest thing to a new MegaMan game that you'll get...
Gameplay as been improved vastly compared to earlier Dead Rising games, with light and heavy attacks being mapped to two different buttons this time around. The highlight of the game are obviously the combo weapons, which are a joy to find and create on the fly. Such examples are a battleaxe that talks to you, a flaming scythe that throws out exploding skulls, or even Mega-Man's X-Buster. You still have to option to humiliate Nick by putting him in cool outfits, or even a mariachi uniform, if you please. With the addition of a sprint button, it's even easier to get into a street fight, or to escape if you aren't up to the challenge. Psychopaths are still in the game, which are mini-bosses based on the "Seven Deadly Sins".
What's Wrong With The Game
The amount of zombies onscreen is incredible, but at the cost of graphical quality and stablility. The framerate also will drop sometimes, but very rarely.
The Verdict
This game was a rollicking good time, and I still haven't found all the combo weapons blueprints. The X-Buster is totally worth it.
Score: 8/10

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