Sunday, October 27, 2013

REVIEW : Dishonored
When a respected developer announces a new project, it's hard not to feel worried that new ideas may sully their reputation. When Dishonored was announced, the idea of being a supernatural assassin looking for revenge was a thrill in itself. When the game itself came out, it was well received for its beautiful world and freedom of choice, storywise and in gameplay itself.
The Setting and Story are Corvo Attano, the Royal Protector to the beloved Empress Jessamine Kaldwin. As the game begins, you are returning from your mission to the other isles regarding a rat plague that has broken loose in the city of Dunwall. Dunwall itself is a city that relies on whale oil to power its industrial districts and business ventures. You are greeted by Emily Kaldwin, heir to the throne, upon returning home, and everything seems to be fine. Soon after giving the Empress the news of the plague status, however, she is attacked by a mysterious group of assassins. Despite your best efforts to protect her, you are immobilized and forced to watch as the person you were sworn to protect is murdered in front of you. As the assassins escape, you are accused of the crime and sentenced to death. Later in the story, you are confronted by the Outsider, a being who is "part-demon, part-angel, and entirely ambiguous." After gifting you with his supernatural mark, you are left with the Resistance group to exact your revenge, no matter how much blood is shed along the way.
The Gameplay
Dishonored features a throwback to classic stealth games such as the Thief series, whose mechanics is borrows heavily from. Corvo is renowned for his legendary combat skills, and that, augmented by your new powers, will make you a killing machine; or a ghost, depending on your play-style. Your powers cover a wide range of uses, from teleporting to Dark Vision to stopping time itself. These can be upgraded with Runes scattered around the world, but there are NEVER enough fully upgrade yourself. This, along with power-ups to your human weapons, plus the stat buffing whale bone charms, 3e4rand you have a very solid system to work off of. Missions are large, open hub worlds, and there are many ways to approach how you terminate the target. Do you outright kill the target, or do you make it look like an accident? If you are careful, you can have them 'disappear' never to be heard from again. Depending on how you end the mission, the result will affect how much Chaos is in the city. You will have two very distinct endings (three if you stay neutral) to experience. Across the lengthy campaign, you have a good world to have fun exploring.
What's Wrong With The Game 
There actually isn't much wrong with the game itself, save for a few enemy perception bugs, or some unloaded textures. Nonetheless, the art style of the game is like an oil painting in motion, art itself.
The Verdict
Dishonored is a love letter to stealth fans like me, and is easily worth two or three playthroughs. Despite very minimal glitches, there is so much to enjoy here that there is practically no problem to find here. With Game of the Year edition coming out soon with all the DLC included, you have a deal that is unmissable for the assassin within us. BUY THIS GAME.
Score : 9/10


  1. Ameerzing gaming! (that pun) Keep it going, and I hope you do an ND game eventually.

  2. I LOVE THIS GAME. You should also try to play it to achieve the low chaos ending, YOU CAN'T KILL ANYONE. It's freakishly hard. I personally had a great experience with it, and the story is also pretty good. Best part was the cat house.
