Monday, February 10, 2014

REVIEW : Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag 

A certain person I know *insert inane giggling* happens to like this game, and so I was influenced to write this review instead of some other ideas I had. Also, to kick off the new segment of blog posts for this semester, I will be using a new font and format...I know I'm late leave me alone :( 
The Setting
That parrot is radical.
Edward Kenway is a pirate. Not an Assassin. A Pirate. Disregard what the promotions told you, the majority of this game will follow Ed's development from a self-centered greed bucket (granted, he's still likable) to a more responsible, generally helpful person. While the main story is definitely interesting, there is enough side activities to do that will introduce you to more cast members, all with their own predicament. That, and there is a whole open map to explore, all with places to raid and loot for yourself. The lovely ship, Jackdaw, will get you wherever you need to go. And you have blades on your arms. Introduce them to a guard's face. 
The Gameplay
Gameplay in Black Flag is almost everything Assassin's Creed 3 had, but better. The innovative naval combat from the last game has been expanded to be your main game element aside from when your avatar is on land. The Jackdaw is your baby ship, and it must be nurtured until its good enough to really decimate the competition. That was a bad example. Later, it will, provided you collect the money, materials, and plans necessary (-jab). The on land gameplay, has become more streamlined, with a vastly improved inventory and the ability to free-aim your four (potentially) pistols. The basic combat is still easy to preform, and the kill animations are very satisfying. Especially when you get the special pistol swords (-jab2).
The Misgivings
There are a few unfortunate bugs within the game. Sometimes when you try to escape combat, but are then forced to re-engage, it's hard to acquire a target without getting attacked first. Also, detection from enemies is sometimes wonky, but this is rare.
The Verdict
It's better than Assassin's Creed 3. Take that as you will.  
The Score 9/10

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